
Fallout 1 time limit
Fallout 1 time limit

Brotherhood (reward for killing raiders).This is the route that the walkthrough goes through: Sections for getting the water chip are included, so you can get it. You won't get the water chip, but will destroy the mutants with about 75 days remaining. This walkthrough goes through a pretty quick game. I think that this applies to Fallout v.1.2 (European release) as well. With version 1.1, the time limit to find the Water Chip will still remain, but the 500 and 400 day time limits will be removed and be replaced with a 13-year time limit.

fallout 1 time limit

  • If you get the water caravan to deliver water to your vault, then the time limit is shortened by 100 days to destroy the mutant threats.
  • (They are the Vats and the Cathedral.) The time limit starts at the beginning of the game.
  • There is a 500 day time limit to destroy both mutant threats.
  • If you destroy the mutant threats in 150 days, you will not need to find the water chip.
  • You must find the Water Chip in 150 days before your vault runs out of water.
  • This section tells you how long it will take (in game time) to complete the major (required) quests. How can I get stuff back from NPC's like Ian or Tycho? Characters specializing in diplomacy can take down the master through talk alone. Cowboy (aka kill everything that moves) and stealth approaches work. How many ways are there of destroying the mutant threats? Even if you do get the water chip, the game doesn't end immediately.

    fallout 1 time limit

    It's in Vault 12, which is in Bakersfield, more commonly known as Necropolis.ĭo I have to get the water chip to beat the game?

    fallout 1 time limit

    Mini-FAQ what is the time limit to bring back the water chip? ġ50 days, or an additional 100 days for the water caravan. Walkthrough NOTE See the Appendix for Quest Notes. 1.1.5 How can I get stuff back from NPC's like Ian or Tycho?.1.1.4 How many ways are there of destroying the mutant threats?.1.1.3 Do I have to get the water chip to beat the game?.1.1.1 what is the time limit to bring back the water chip?.

    Fallout 1 time limit